§ 101-153. Measurement of level-of-service.  

Latest version.
  • (1)

    Water and wastewater. Measurement of the water capacity will be based on the design capacity of the Monroe County potable water supply system. Wastewater measurement will be based on the capacity of the city treatment plant. Water demand and sewage generation rates will be based upon tables attached to the concurrency application or an alternative method acceptable to the city commission.


    Roadways. The standard for measuring highway capacities shall be the Florida DOT Table of Generalized Daily Level-of-Service Maximum Volumes. The measurement of capacity may also be determined by engineering studies provided that analysis techniques are technically sound and acceptable to the city commission. In determining capacity, existing volumes plus "committed" trips from approved site plans and recorded plats shall be included.

    Traffic generation shall be based upon the table attached to the concurrency application, the Institute of Transportation Engineers manual or an acceptable traffic study.

    The impact shall be assigned to the one (1) collector and one (1) arterial serving the city.


    Solid waste. The table attached to the concurrency application may be used to calculate solid waste generation rates. Capacity is determined by the capacity of the disposal facility and landfill serving the city.


    Drainage. Measurement of drainage shall be based on assumed runoff rates (for example, from the water management district or FDOT tables) subject to approval by the city. Typically, this shall be achieved by onsite detention.


    Recreation. Measurement shall be based on data in the city comprehensive plan and the latest city population estimate, with any necessary interpretation provided by the planning and zoning committee.